Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just Like Breathing

Breathing is so effortless. And my heart pumps without me ever acknowledging it. Those two most basic and vital functions are the two I think about the least - the two I put the least amount of effort in.

Tonight I watched a video of an interview with vocalist Aaron Weiss of mewithoutyou. He was talking about forgiveness and mercy - how much we need them, how much God gives them, and how we can ask for them. He said that he wants to make prayers for forgiveness just like breathing - continuous, effortless, and vital. As he breathes every breath, and every time his heart pumps, he wants to send up a prayer for forgiveness that he can receive from God and give to others.

I want my whole relationship with the Lord to be just like that.

I want the first thought in my mind in the morning to be about the Lord.

I want my last words at night to be to Him.

I want my actions to glorify Him.

Even when I'm not actively thinking about Him and His kingdom, I want the background music of my life to be Him.

That film projector of thoughts playing consistently, the one I revert to when I'm not actively processing something else, I want that to be playing the Lord's thoughts and heart.

That's a lot of things I want. And as I begin to process why I want those things (God has been showing me the importance of motives), I am hopeful that He is able to give me completely pure intentions. These desires are strong and tied very much to the joy and love I've experienced lately walking in His light. I'm so hungry for His words of life. I'm so thirsty for the Truth. The more I have, the more I want.

So breathing and my heart pumping are effortless, but this kind of relationship requires a lot of effort. But the thing is, I feel like the joy that it creates in my life makes it more effortless than many other things I have done.

How can I resist a God so Holy? How can I walk away from someone so pure? How can I reject the beautiful restoration He wants to bring about in myself and those around me? This world is filthy, but sometimes I glimpse His beautiful design and I'm overwhelmed.

I've never been so in love with my Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren Annette, you are one of the most beautiful people i know. i am encouraged daily by the deep, deep desire you obtain for the Father.

    thank you for all your love for Him. and for me.

    In the words of Keith Green, "There is only one need- the need for God." I pray your need is met,


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