So when I found out that my roommate had never been in a corn field it was immediately decided that this summer we would go explore and get lost in a cornfield. Tonight, while sitting in the living room, Linda wanted ice cream and my reaction is: let's get ice cream and get lost in a corn field!
So Linda, Bianca, Jami and I dressed in all black and went in search of a suitable field. Around here that doesn't take long so five minutes later we were sprinting across the highway, getting confused between a bean field and a corn field, and finally venturing into the thick foliage.
We spent a while in there - getting lost, scaring each other...and scaring ourselves. In the pitch black sometimes a corn stalk looks like a person.
We ended up on the sidewalk in front of townhouse 405 with McFlurries.
The point here is not that we ran around a corn field and got really itchy (which we did) or that we did something totally unnecessary and a seemingly juvenile (I'll act this way the rest of my life), but that this activity was on our list of things to do this summer and now we can mark it off.
If we don't make time for ridiculous activities, life will take over. If we don't plan to be crazy, our schedule will overtake us. Don't schedule your life down to the hour, but do make lists - lists of things you want to accomplish when you're 21, lists of things for every season, and a list of things you want to do before you are no longer here.
Life is about the moment, the very second you are living in. It's about experiencing that moment to the fullest and never missing the right opportunity.
So join me.
Let's lose track of time, let's make homemade bread, let's go somewhere we haven't been, let's learn to drive a stick shift, let's lay on a blanket outside in the sun, let's get stuck in the rain, let's get lost - get lost in the gift of life.
the best part = getting confused between a bean field and a corn field.